Touch Typing Lesson 7: Symbols
In this lesson we will learn how to type the symbol characters. You have already learned several of them in previous lessons, but now we will complete your symbol typing skills. We will begin by revisiting the number keys you just learned in the previous lesson, but this time we will have a look at the associated secondary symbol characters with those keys.
The Ampersand and the Asterisk
The first two symbols we will learn, & and *, are the secondary characters for the 7 and 8 keys, respectively. Type the & key by reaching up and to the left of the u key with the right index finger while holding the left shift key. Likewise, type the * key by reaching up and to the left of the i key with the right middle finger while holding the left shift key.
Typing Exercise 7.1Parentheses
Let's learn to parenthesize (with the ( and ) characters)! The left parenthesis, (, uses the same key as the 9 key, and the right parenthesis, ), uses the same key as the 0 key. You will reach the ( key with the right ring finger, above and to the left of the o key, and type it while holding the left shift key. The ) key is typed with the right pinky finger, reaching above and to the left of the p key, and is also typed while holding the left shift key. Please note that the l character in this lesson is a lowercase L.
Typing Exercise 7.2The Dollar Sign and the Hash Mark
Let's learn a couple of left hand symbols: $ #
The dollar sign, $, uses the same key as the 4 key. Type it with the left index finger while holding the right shift key - it is located to the upper left of the r key. The hash mark, #, is typed with the same key as 3, reaching up and to the left of the e key with the left middle finger while holding the right shift key.
Typing Exercise 7.3The At Sign and the Exclamation Point
The next two left hand symbols are: @ !
The at sign, @, is the secondary character for the 2 key. With the left ring finger, reach up and to the left of the w key, and type it while holding the right shift key. The exclamation point, !, which you may remember from the Punctuation Lesson, uses the same key as the number 1. Type it with the left pinky finger, reaching up and to the left of the q key while holding the right shift key.
Typing Exercise 7.4The Percent Sign and the Caret Symbol
Excellent work! You are nearly done with this lesson!
The last left hand symbols are: % ^
Both of these symbols are typed with the left index finger while holding the right shift key. The percent sign, %, is typed using the same key as the number 5 and the caret, ^, is typed with the same key as the number 6. To type the % key, reach up and to the right of the r key with your left index finger, and type it while holding the right shift key. You will type the ^ key by reaching up and to the right of the t key with your left index finger while holding the right shift key.
Typing Exercise 7.5All Together
Let's put all the these symbols together now and see how well you've learned them: ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( )
Typing Exercise 7.6